Basically this news is about when you are sleepless or exhausted and you also have to drive, it's the same as drinking and driving!! And both are very dangerous!!If one hasnt been sleeping for over 17 hrs, it's like having 0.05% of alcohol in your blood;
if one hasnt been sleeping for over 24 hrs, it's like having 1% if alcohol in your blood!!
Once, I was doing a marathone of studying and taking exam, and after that rushed to the hospital, totally didnt sleep for over 36 hrs. After got out of the hosptial, I drove home, I felt so exhausted, and my eyes shut down, and my Brain left Me without Me!! I was driving like a rectless driver, hit the curbs several times, almost hit other cars, and other cars almost hit me, and other drivers kept horning me!! And it was like an hour long drive!I didnt know how I got home, but it seemed like the longest drive that I ever had!
So that research only tested on 24 hrs, but what about 36 hrs?? I can not imagine!Maybe the "alchohol content in my blood was 3%??"
But what's hurtful was not my exp, it was when I told the vice dean about my Deadly experimence when he was accusing Me for Not doing a good job at hospital, and all the shit from his dirty mouth!! he SIMPLY shrugged and COLDLY replied, "so?? that gave you no excuse!! And gave Me a look that he DID NOT CARE!! and told me, "Well, at least YOU DIDNT DIE!!"Ahh, thats right, I was fortunate enough that I didnt die, but was it really my fortune?? MAYBE if I was dead from that car accident, I wouldnt have to bother to stand there in a cold snowing/raining day, and got a total bash from that son of bitch!!I was like huh, I was NOT even giving him ANY excuse!! I was just simply telling him that even though I was damn exhausted and sleepless, I still got my butt out to fulfil my responsibility!! I NEVER made any excuse, well seriously I could have called in and said that I was sick, but NO I didnt , I knew that If I had to do it, I would do it no matter what. And no I would give My 100%, maybe I wouldnt have the energy to SMILE 100% of the time, but at least, I did what I was supposed to do, I did not give attitude, I was as humble as I always was. Even if I didnt smile much, it didnt mean that I had NO interest in medicine!! Even if I wasnt like an energy bunny that jumping around/bouncing around like an ADHD, that didnt mean I had NO interest in medicine! that ASSHOLE had ZERO right to accuse Me anything , to put Me down, to treat Me like shit, to Bash Me like I had no dignity!! he will definitely taste his own medicine SOMEDAY!
加研究:疲勞開車與酒醉開車一樣危險更新日期:2007/05/18 09:32(中央社記者章君宇多倫多十七日專電)如果加拿大警察有一種儀器,可以檢測駕駛人在開車前睡了幾個小時的覺,那麼四百多萬加拿大駕駛人將要擔憂了。一項研究顯示,約百分之二十的加拿大人,相當於四百一十萬人承認,在過去十二個月內曾有開車打瞌睡的情形。專家表示,疲勞開車與酒醉開車一樣危險,因為兩者均能使駕駛人的反應變慢,警覺性降低,影響判斷力及增加出車禍的危險。加拿大保險局副董事長雅加布齊表示,加拿大百分之二十六的致命車禍與駕駛人打瞌睡有關。也就是說,每年加拿大有四百多人因駕駛人打瞌睡引發車禍而死亡。研究人員及政策制定人員目前正在絞盡腦汁,希望幫助駕駛人避免打瞌睡開車。目前加拿大已有多種測試駕駛人體能的設計仍在實驗中。這些裝在車內的設計包括可以偵測大腦活動、眨眼次數及瞳孔大小的儀器,但尚無偵測駕駛人是否睡眠足夠的儀器。也因此,駕駛人在開車前睡眠是否足夠,不如酒醉開車那樣容易檢測出來。研究認為,連續十七個小時不睡覺後開車的危險,如同血液中酒精含量超過百分之零點零五的開車者。連續二十四小時不睡覺開車,危險性如同血液中酒精含量達百分之一的駕駛人。多倫多大學摩勒醫師表示,睡眠不足的導因非僅睡眠,藥物亦會導致等同睡眠不足的效果。摩勒指出,科學界尚須繼續研究,以更了解駕駛人打瞌睡的真正原因。加拿大安大略省交通廳長甘斯菲德表示,駕駛人打瞌睡不僅危及自己,也危及他人。她指出,駕駛是一種特權,而不是一種權利,故安全駕駛是駕駛人的責任和義務。安省政府目前正在修改法律,確保卡車、校車及巴士司機在開車前有充分的睡眠。960517
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