Boost Your Metabolism
Provided by PreventionMetabolism is a mystery. You may know that mastering it is the key to losing weight, but what is it? And where is it? Turns out it's the engine that drives every cell, and that means it's everywhere. Your metabolism helps you walk, talk, fight off illness, even read this magazine. Its fuel is calories. Each one you consume goes into the metabolic tank that powers the machine that is you. Keep that tank filled and you're good to go, right? If only it were that simple. As you age, your body becomes less effective at burning calories, mostly because of a gradual decrease in activity and resulting loss of muscle. Your metabolism can dip as much as 25 to 30 percent over your adult life, says Miriam Nelson, PhD, director of the John Hancock Center for Physical Activity and Nutrition at Tufts University. As a result, your body tends to store excess calories in the form of -- you guessed it -- body fat, and that extra weight only slows you down more. You don't, however, have to resign yourself to a life of forgiving jersey fabrics and shape-disguising tunics. For most women, strength-training can help boost metabolism by as much as 10 percent in 12 weeks by rebuilding muscle. You can increase it further by making small but targeted lifestyle changes. "Anything that energizes you -- a good night's sleep, fresh air, sunlight, a healthy diet, regular exercise -- ultimately helps drive metabolism," explains Nelson. With that in mind, we've designed a round-the-clock plan that will tune up your fat-burning engine, boosting its efficiency and maximizing calorie burn morning, noon and night. By shifting your body into high gear, these timely tips will help you burn 200 to 300 more calories a day. (And that doesn't even take into account your regular exercise routine.) Can't do it all? Don't worry -- employing even a few of these steps will confer benefits. Now let's get going.
MorningEat a 300- to 400-calorie breakfastIn the AM, your energy stores are depleted by as much as 80 percent from the night before. Without food, your body shifts into starvation mode, which means it begins to conserve energy and burn fewer calories. (In other words: Your metabolic rate takes a nosedive.) That may be why, in one study, breakfast skippers were 4 1/2 times more likely to be obese than breakfast eaters. For more long-lasting energy, include whole grain complex carbohydrates like oatmeal.
Throw in a cup of halved strawberriesResearch suggests that getting enough vitamin C -- 75 mg a day -- may be essential for optimal fat burning. The strawberries provide 90 mg.
Get a dose of sunlight"Exposure to bright light decreases melatonin and increases serotonin, shifting your body from sleep to awake mode and, in turn, revving your metabolic furnace," says health and psychology researcher Robert K. Cooper, PhD, author of the metabolism book 'Flip the Switch.'
Take your multivitaminAntioxidant nutrients help protect mitochondria, tiny structures found in every cell, from damage; they're the microscopic fat-burning furnaces that convert food into fuel.
Move at the office"Moving throughout the day -- even if it's just walking to a colleague's office rather than sending an e-mail -- keeps your metabolism higher than doing a workout and then remaining sedentary," says James O. Hill, PhD, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado at Denver.
Sip a cup of coffee or teaCaffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that moderately boosts metabolism, helping you burn about 20 extra calories.
Have a midmorning snackGood choices are a reduced-fat cheese stick or a cup of low-fat yogurt and a piece of fruit. Every time you eat, your body burns additional calories to digest the food. Take advantage of this automatic boost by eating something -- even if it's very small -- every 3 to 4 hours.
Your AM Routine: Energizing YogaAccelerate the natural metabolic boost that occurs when you wake up by doing these poses. Yoga can also help control levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which begins to rise after waking and can contribute to muscle loss and a resulting dip in metabolism.
Downward Facing DogKneel with hands directly beneath shoulders, knees beneath hips, and toes tucked. Press palms into floor and lift tailbone toward ceiling, straightening legs so body forms an inverted V, as shown. Keep shoulders away from ears and relax head between arms. Hold for three to five breaths. Bend knees and relax down to floor. CobraLie facedown with legs extended, toes pointed. Place hands on floor beneath shoulders, elbows close to torso. Press feet, thighs, hips, and pelvis firmly into floor and straighten arms, lifting chest as high as comfortably possible, as shown. Keep shoulders down and back, lifting through breastbone, opening chest, and lengthening spine. Hold for three to five breaths. Tuck toes under and push back into Downward Facing Dog. Repeat moves three to five times.
AfternoonEat a protein-packed lunch You'll burn more calories digesting your midday meal because protein is more difficult to break down than carbohydrates or fat.Try:▪ roast turkey breast with sliced veggies and hummus wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla; add a piece of fruit▪ salmon salad (like tuna salad but with canned salmon) topped with lettuce and tomato on a whole wheat bun; carrot sticks and grapes on the side ▪ chicken-vegetable soup with a whole wheat rollSnack on nutsAs your blood sugar and energy levels hit the postlunch slump, your metabolism also takes a dip.
The protein and fiber in a handful of nuts (about 20) can help stave off hunger and keep you energized until dinnertime. "Nuts also contain monounsaturated fats, which have been found in studies to stimulate fat burning," says Cooper.
Laugh it upLaughing eases stress and boosts calorie burn up to 20 percent, reports a Vanderbilt University study of 90 men and women. Need a little inspiration? Check out The Onion, an irreverent -- and completely fake -- news site.
Take the stairsClimbing stairs quickly elevates your heart rate for a metabolic jolt that burns 8 calories per minute -- twice as much as brisk walking. Try to accumulate 5 to 10 minutes during the afternoon.
Brew some green teaStudies show that the polyphenol compounds in 2 to 4 cups may help raise metabolism by as much as 35 percent and encourage fat burning
Commute -- with a CDRelaxing music has been shown to reduce cortisol, a key metabolism-tempering hormone. Once tension has been tamed while on the highway, switch to more energizing music; upbeat tempos raise your heart and breathing rates and metabolism. And you'll be ready to tackle whatever awaits you when you arrive at home.
Stretch at your deskCounter the metabolism-depressing effects of midday stress by boosting circulation and easing upper-body tension. And take deep breaths while you stretch to provide cells with the energy-producing oxygen they need to burn fat.
Chair reach and drop A. Sit on edge of chair, feet flat, back straight. Extend arms overhead, palms facing each other, and gently arch back as far as comfortable. Hold 1 to 2 seconds, then sit back up and lower arms out to sides. B. Clasp hands behind back and lean forward from hips, bringing chest toward thighs, arms toward ceiling. Hold 10 to 15 seconds. Release and repeat.
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