Today planned a catering business blueprint...
Since my greatest interests are Medicine and Cooking... so why not start a caterting biz first?
It does not need a lot of funds to start it (I think). Since it's a Web age, so I can do most of the ads on the internet... and probably need a helper to do the delivery?
I got this idea a while ago, but like yesterday I saw a news which was about an old mom and her daughter in law started a meal-box business right at their house. They started having this idea cuz they thought they had to prepare dinner for their family everyday, so they might as well prepare 5 to 10 extra orders everyday. so they advertized it on the web, and young people that missed the homemade and Mom's cooking were interested in buy the meals... and everything just started from there... and in fact, it's quite popular!! It's sold-out everyday!!
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