Wednesday, April 18, 2007


不太熟的朋友 said...
父母親對自己的孩子總是有一種"他還小,不懂事"的感覺.以前不懂事總覺得父母管那麼多做什麼,但現在看到周圍的朋友對於他們的新生寶寶這麼的戰戰兢兢,這麼的呵護,一時之間豁達了. 人說天下沒有不是的父母並不是意味著父母永遠是對的,而是父母親永遠是用著他們覺得最妥當的方式去教導他們的下一代,當然這其中也包括了希望他們往後在人生的旅途上走的平穩,順遂.也許小孩有別的嗜好,有能力闖出一番事業但一定比不上成為醫生那麼的穩當,畢竟經濟再不景氣,醫生也不會沒工作,至少,他們是這麼想的.我想,這是沒有對與錯的.有幾個心理學家功成名就?有幾個20出頭出來闖事業的飛黃騰達?畢竟是少數.然而這一個個成功者的背後是充滿了多少的挫折,多少的努力以及多少別人沒得到的運氣?我想,父母親希望他們的子女成為醫生不是沒有原因的. (待續) (getting sleepy)


HA, this is Exactly what my Mom told me!! In doctor's family, they believe NO OTHER JOBS can be as stable as being a DOCTOR!! Ok lets see, there are millions kind of jobs in this world, are they all starving to death?? NO!!
Are they poor? NO!! Many are richer than doctors!! HA , like in business families, they believe nothing is Better than doing business!! They look down on "doctors!" They can make millions of dollors just by selling houses!! A doctor has to sit there at the clinic for at least 12 hrs, just to earn the income thats a little bit above the AVEAGE!
Think about it! Have you ever taken econ class? Even if you never took it, thats fine, at least you can understand what I'm trying to say next..
In US, you go to college for at least 4, 5 years, and then wait and apply for med school, then for 4 years of med school, and then apply residency, if ur lucky, u got into one residency of your choice, you spend at least 3, 6, or 7 + years of training at the hospital..
Lets calculate it, it's like MINIMUM of 11 years!! If its not 11 years, it could go at least 18 years!!
Ok, within these 3-7 years of training, how much a resident is earning? um 30000-50000/year!! Um lets see how many hrs do a resident have to work per WEEK? Um 80-100hrs or MORE!!
Um lets see, how many hrs do REGULAR jobs work per week? 40 hrs/week!! How much do they make?
Of course it depends! BUT I'm sure with the crazy schedule and hrs they doctors have to work on, and with the amount of money they make , the ratio is definitely NOT as good as many other jobs'!!
Yeh you might argue that well after reidency , everything will be better... um maybe the salary will be more than a resident, but the LONG and Crazy hrs of working is still the same! Do regular people work/oncall all the time? NO!!
Do they have to get out of the bed they just lays on for a minute, just cuz a patient is sick? NO!!
DO they have serious sleep deprivation? Do they have chroic fatigue syndrome? Yeh maybe, but NOT as many as doctors!!
Do they start seeing their own health is declining in their 20s, 30s, 40s? NOO!!
But all these... doctors do have and it's not something that others can understand!
Patients get sick 24/7, they do not pick time (9-5) to get sick! just so you can finish the work between 9-5!
I never said parents were wrong, but their generation had much LESS pressure and much less competition then ours! They think that if they could do it, we could too! They do not care if we'r under lots of pressure, if it's something that we truely wanted!
HA I BEG TO DIFFER!! HOW MANY psychologists are famous?? HUH? YOU wanna be famous? Why dont you become a movie star??
Maybe your world is toooo little..
you dont see a lot of people..
OF COURSE, there are MANY people that are outstanding in their field, whether or not its psychologist or other fields!
BUT the point is, it's NOT cuz they wanted to be famous, so they become so on so!!
HA again there are many people in their 20s, and they've started their own business, and yes they are making lots of money!!
Lets say, micro soft bill gates, Apple, DELL, GOOGLES, YAHOO, YOUTUBE, ect!! OH YEH THEY WERE ALL PRETTY YOUNG!!
Ok you might argue, hey we are not bill gates, we are not those genius high tech people!! BUT hey I believe they were just some orinary young dudes in college or just out of college, and cuz they created/researched/invested etc and cuz the OPPORTUNITY, they've all succeeded!! I'm sure the list will go on and on...
I just made that example (my friend's), NOT to tell people that he's superly rich! BUT hey of course he had to face many challenges and still have many to come in the future, who knows when his business is gonna collapse one day? Of course he had to work hard just so he had customers and business.. The point I was trying to make is, 1. his parents KNEW their son well!! hey he was a gangster in high school!! He hung out with "bad kids" all the time!! 2. he knew himself well, he knows what his talent is, he goes for it, he work HARD for him and his family!!
3. the money/bread he's making, yes making us envy, BUT he earned them, he deserved them!
4. he is not just ONE OF THE FEWs that actually makes it!! KEEP THAT IN MIND.
5. ANYONE of us can be like him, as long as we know who we really are, what we really want, what our interests are!!
The Q I'm asking you is, you think there's NO ROAD BLOCK and CHALLNEGE for doctors???
IS money the only thing you see in your eyes??
UNLESS you are a 100% lucky person in this world, you dont have to make your effort, no challenges, no road blocks, no fails...
Maybe you are just delusional, you see that becoming a doctor and being a doctor is easy as hell?!?!

Lastly, parents wishes are their perosonal wishes.. like some parents could not be doctors themselves, they wanted their kids to become one, but if they couldnt be one, is it the end of the world?? NO!
their wishes, as kids, we do respect them, but hopefully they can also learn to respect our own wishes... I believe everyone has their own wishes, and if a kid really wanna be a docotr, good for this kid! Best wishes.. but if a kid doesnt wanna be one, why force him/her?
LIFE is hard .. why make it tougher than it already is?
A family memeber hates hates hates medicine, his parents force force force him to become one, cuz he's a male,his father is a doctor, he's almost done with med school, he never stops hating it!! He never stop having fights and conflicts with parents!! his parents tolerate his CRAZY, VIOLENT, AND TOTAL OUT OF LINE CHARACTER!! JUST CUZ he's working on this path that his parents have set up for him!! Yeh his mom said, yeh as long as he's in this field, let him do whatever he wants, including BEATING UP his MOM, DAD, and sisters!!! YES PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY abusing his FAMILY!!
Yeh he's damn spoiled, he thinks he is THE GOD in this family, he can talk the LOUDEST, cuz in traditional chinese family, BOY is the HOPE of the WHOLE FAMILY!! OH if this Boy is a doctor, OMG, he is THE WHOLE FAMILY's PRIDES!! THE WHOLE FAMILY SHOULD BE PROUD OF him FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!!
cuz their "simple wishes", this oridnary family became a Dysfunctional and BROKEN Family!
There's NO LOVE in this family.. ONLY HATES, FIGHTS, ATTACKS, yeh all the bad things you can think of!!
I'm tired of people's thoughtless comments..


Eternal Dreamer - Allen Wang said...

Heh i did not realize the reaction this particular entry has caused. The original intent was to question whether parents should "groom" their children.... as I was groomed as well.. into a physician. Truth is...No, I am not particularly proud about being a doctor. If you look at my blog more carefully, I am not happy with being a doctor and I am disheartened that the day I was born..... my destiny was chosen.
for now, I am completing my residency.... paying the debt that my life has chosen for me. I am uncertain how long I will remain in this profession. In truth, I understand that girl's pain. Just that I have chosen to give in....and I still dont know if I am venturing the right path or not

不太熟的朋友 said...

I guess you are the mature & knows-all one. ~~looks like someone can use some anger management~~

BRUINMD said...

basically I dont think I "overreacted" or get too mad.. it's just a frustration that I felt I had to express at the time.. I was not trying to stir up an argument. and every word I said, I dont think they are wrong!

that other person's comment, yeh the words seem like normal and fine, but if breaking down that passage (like I did)..

Well, I dont think my points can change anyone or any parents' mind! but at least, I stand up for us, that person chose parents side.. I know u were not trying to prove whether I was right or wrong, but I could see the disagreement! Are you a parent?
I know your words sound "mature", but you sound like an experienced parent, talk like a snob, know-it-all, but I just can not agree!

Many people have succeeded in their fields, not just doctors can!
Not just being a docotor is the BEST EVER job you've done!

It's just a job, but it's a job like any job that if you really wanna be a docotr, you really have to have tremendous PASSION and INTEREST for medinine!

If money is your priority Like MANY other med students, CHOOSE other route!!

I know a family from taiwan, the dad is a doctor, this couple did anything they could to make their 3 sons to go to this medical field.
yes every word you said in your post was exactly what they believe in!! NOTHING is BETTER THAN being a doctor!! NOTHING can make more money than being a doctor!! They look down on antyhing else! Even their first son's wife is a doctor! OH YEH, they'd do anythhing they can to have the WHOLE families, which include the wives, the grandkids, the greatgrand kids become DOCTORS!

LOL .. it's just sooo SAD!! and YEH PATHETICS too!

Seriously, NONE of their sons are interest in medicine!! Ask them why they wanna be doctors, reason number 1 is PARENTS' wishes, 2 is MONEY!! 3 is PRIDE!!
Or they'd feel ashame!! SIGHHHH!!

None of their sons are that smart!
NONE of them have the QUALITIES to become one!
Well they've got "ways" to make everything happen! Nothing can suprise me!

I'd feel sorry for the patients they see... but anyway, Not my biz!