These past few days, a CRAZY person 林光常 got BUSTED in Taiwan... he was sued and the proscutor asked for 7 years of prison time!!
What kind of person is he? hmmm, he CLAIMED that he's a doctor, a PhD, a professor, and more importantly, the "GOD FATHER OF CLEANSE OUR BODIES." Yes, all these titles are FAKE, even the "med school" that he claimed he went to, was not even accredited by ANY organization or country!!
Only about 5 yrs of time, he was on TV all the time, making speeches everywhere, published books, and sold lots of products like enzymes, vitamines, "Good water?", and yeh anything he could sell, he'd sell!! Surely, he has made TONS and TONS of money!
Why did he get busted?? Some CA pts came forward to the media, and told the public about their experiences and that when they were first Dxed that they had CA, they listened to him and GAVE UP on receiving the Tx, and totally believed what that ass said, and ate the meals and vitamines that he sold at his stores, now a couple years later, they are now either are dying or already the LAST stage ... yes lots of money have spent, and their are about to die now!!
Remember my GrandPA's death? Very similar case... when I heard about these women's accusation against that ass! My two aunts and other uncles were FIRM believers/followers of that JERK!! When my GrandPA were first Dxed in Feb/March 2005, it was just the very early stage, and ONLY ME and My Dad were PRO-Treatment!! The rest of the damn family members totally AGAINST the surgery-chemo tx!!
Think about it, if he received the tx, yes we couldnt guarantee that he'd be fine or live longer, BUT at least we DID NOT give up, and took the chance to FIGHT, and try to SURVIVE!!
They basically had GIVEN UP the moment they heard it's GASTRIC CA!!
They then tried to FOOL themeslves that "ALTERNATIVE tx" could save their Dad's life!!
So they started that jerk's diet, whole grains, no meats, only VEGGIES/FRUITS, YAMS, and "good water"... Did they not know that to fight against CA, one must have enough energy to do it! The diet must have PROTEINS and is high is calories!! But too bad, they all believed that proteins/meats were the ones that poison the bodies!!
They also were on this diet, oh yeh they also believed that they knew better than all MDs!!
When he was sent into hospital in Late Normember 2005, I knew it's TOOOOOO LATE!!!
I knew it's about TIME, I Just KNEW IT!! And the IRONIC part was, my aunt who were one of the FIRM believer, was being sooo anxious, and FINALLY came and asked me my opinion on the BEST CHEMO TX for her DAD!!! OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she was like, go ask your professors/doctors there at your school, and see if there's BEST BEST tx now for her dad!! she even told me that oh yeh she had friends and friends' friends had Lung CA, and was taking some good chemo drugs, and they were fine and dendy!!
OK, I PATIENTLY explained to her that, um yeh it's a drug thats specifically for LUNG CA, and only for a specific cause of LUNG CA, NOT all LUNG CA can be benefited by that drug...
she continued on and on about that Drug, she's like Oh that magic drug was sooo good, and all they needed to do was to take it like any other meds, no chemo is necessary... blah blah blah...
Trust me, she didnt just stop there, she REPEATED her same stories not only to ME Mutiple times, but also to many other people!!! UGGGHH!! Yes, even after my EXPLAINATION, she still believed what she BELIEVED in !! GOD!! And, I was surprised that Even after I EXplained it to her MULTIPLE TIMES, she still believed what she WANTED to BELIEVE!! UM Of course, what I said was all BULLSHIT to her!! DID I WASTE MY TIME AGAIN?!
Even after that jerk got busted, both of my aunts still believe in things he said!!
One of them even yelled at ME!! Ok, I understand how human's psychology works... those people know that they were WRONG, and had spent lots of money on that jerk, BUT now their GOD is badly accused, of course now they feel terrible and guilty, but they CAN NEVER ADMIT THAT THEY WERE WRONG!!!
So yesterday, I told my mom, WELL you and your family dont come and ask for my help in the future, it's NOT because I'm cold-hearted, it's cuz YOU and YOUR family do not believe ME and are way tooo damn STUBBORN, and I feel FUTILE!! I'm probably one of the NICEST person in this world, I love to help, I love to educate people, I will be there if anyone needs Me, even if I dont know them!!
1 comment:
welcome to medicine, and finally you are feeling the difference... the two years of basic medical science has already changed you , made you different from normal people... it has taught you to think
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