Thursday, August 2, 2007


Ok it's not very funny! cuz I'm in pain now, and I dont know what to do next!

I was eating a piece of goose meat, and all of sudden I bit into a peace of small bones, and then the PAIN started!! I thought the pain would just went away, but no it's been 4 hrs, still hurting!

Ok so I went to a denist, got an X ray, the denist couldnt see anything, so he used some kind of 3D computerized thing to check, and on the computer screen, it showed a crack that went across my tooth. AHHHHHHHHHHHH thats why!! yeh like a superficial crack that cracked through a stone!

Immediately, that ass denist told me that my ONLY OPTION was to pull that tooth offf!!

Yeh damn it! A small piece of goose bone can do such a HUGE damage!!

It's my first tooth got pulled cuz of ACCIDENTS!! (not including my wisdom tooth!)
I wont have no tooth left in that spot!! I'm not afraid of pulling tooth, cuz base on my wisdom teeth experience, I had my dentist pulled ALL 3 of them in one setting!! thats right all 3!!
And wisdom teeth WERENT EASY to pull!! And it's painful as hell!
And it took me weeks to feel better!

I just couldnt believe it! Maybe the crack only at the SUPERFICIAL level. Maybe the damage is not so serious!

But I dont believe in ONLY 1 Option theroy! a good doctor should NOT just looking out for their own $$$$$$ beneifts, they should think about pts' situation and give MORE than 1 option!!

Today's "modern technology" cant save a tooth besides pulling it out and get rid of everything?!

I dont believe it!


Eternal Dreamer - Allen Wang said...

man toothache hurts

BRUINMD said...

HA tell me about it!!

Glenn Koehm said...

This is where the importance of looking for a trustworthy dentist comes in. Have you asked your friends if they can recommend someone for you? In any case, accidents really happen and you really have to have it fixed, which I'm sure you already did. A cracked tooth will definitely give you a lot more problems in the future.